Sunday, January 20, 2013


It's 2013 already?!? Whoa! And I haven't blogged in over 2 weeks! Wow. I've been super busy with two huge school projects balenced on top of everything else. Well, I never posted about my one little word. I couldn't exactly decide on just ONE word, so I got inspired to do something else. :) I'm going to do
quote(s) that have really inspired me. Right now, my first one is "Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gahndi. I think a lot of people, including me, need to hear this more often. So often we look around at the things we have a problem with or dislike and complain or just wish about it, never bothering to do anything. It could be anything from a messy room to helping people in third world countries. If we just stand here wishing we could do something, but don't, what's the point? I think if everyone knew what they could do to help, and started to do it, we could have a much better world! :)
Anyway, I'm probably going to fill a journal with quotes like these, Bible verses, poems, etc. I still haven't started that since, in my limited freetime, I am currently either going on the computer or starting my drawing hobby. Yes, I like to draw. No, I'm really not that good at it haha. :) Wellll, that's all for now! I hope to be starting some art projects soon! And I hope everyone is having a great 2013 so far! :D

Monday, December 31, 2012

   So it's the last day of 2012. Wow. This year has been crazy. I can't remember half of it though! Well, since this is also the last day of December, it's snowing! For real snow, not just flurries that melt later in the day, but real snow! It's almost 1 inch right now, and it's gonna snow all day!
   I can't wait for tonight! It's tradition I stay the night at my friend's house and we watch the ball drop. Wow. I just can't believe 2012 is pretty much OVER. It makes me kinda sad to think about it, but I can't wait for the New Year! :) I still have to figure out my "one little word", but I will have it by tonight. Anyway, Happy New Year! Hope everyone has a fantastic one. :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hey there! Christmas is already over with no snow! :( But New Year's is almost here! I love New Year's for some reason, maybe it's just the thought of a fresh slate and a whole other year ahead of me. But I've also been inspired by Janel -(this is where I would link her blog, but I don't really know how haha)- to do a "one little word" for 2013. I've never really been good at making or keeping resolutions and I figured this would be easier to commit to, and I could doodle it on every single thing I find as a reminder, (or a way to pass time in class ha). Anyway I have a really long list but I want to really think about it, but I'm running out of time! I might have to do more than one, but here are some on the list: bold, brave, open, creative, peace, courageous, confident, determined, wise, vibrant, bright, and moreee! I'll keep thinking, and hopefully find the right one(s). That's all for now byeee! Oh, check out Janel's blog heree --->

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Christmas Eve! Can't wait for Christmas tomorrow, I think we're due some snow. :) Besides the fact that it's Christmas Eve, it's also Louis Tomlinson's 21st birthday! Love him so much! I also can't wait for the candle light service tonight. That's all I guess, now still gotta make a few Christmas gifts and figure out this blog. It's so confusing being a newbie LoL. ~

Sunday, December 23, 2012